Faustian Slip is the doom metal project of Jason Sullivan, a solo artist from Florida whose music blends classic doom influences with personal convictions, creating a sound that captures the essence of the genre. In this interview, he discusses the origins of Faustian Slip, the creative process behind reworking tracks for his latest EP, and the distinct challenges and freedoms of being a solo musician. With steadfast dedication to his craft and a focused vision for the future, Jason reveals what’s next for Faustian Slip and the music that defines his path.
The name Faustian Slip is quite intriguing. What does the name mean to you, and how does it reflect your music?
The Dr. Faust story has always intrigued me. The whole giving up your eternal soul for temporary pleasure…deals with the devil never end well, yet we as humans are seemingly (to borrow from Metallica) hardwired to self-destruct… making Faustian bargains… slipping into the abyss. (And what’s more Doom than that!)
As is stated on my bandcamp page it reminds me of the verse in Mark 8:36 “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
For listeners new to Faustian Slip, which song would you recommend they start
with, and why? Does this track best encapsulate the essence of your sound?
I would say “Plague Of Man” (especially the new drums version), and/or “Descend” (if you can get past my lack of drum skills). I think those two best represent the essence of my sound and what’s to come on this next album.
Your recent EP, Beholder, is a mix of new material and revisited tracks. How did the concept for this EP come about, and what led you to rework “Plague of Man”?
The concept came about really because I wanted to see if it was in my grasp to put out a physical format. I noticed cassettes were coming back, and a limited run was within my price range. I had a couple of songs ready to go and I thought it’d be cool to add some kind of bonus track. “Plague of Man” is the first song I wrote for FS back in 2015 or 16. I initially used drum loops, so I talked to Derek Corzine about reworking the drums and mixing the 3 songs for a cassette release as a teaser for the upcoming full length.
Derek Corzine contributed drums to Beholder. What was it like collaborating with him, and how do you think his input shaped the EP?
Derek is awesome! I don’t know how he does all that he does. He mixes, he masters, and he’s in multiple bands (Burial Extraction, Testimony Of Apocalypsis, etc). Not to mention, he put out a killer Death/Doom album under the name Crowned In Sorrow. The irony that he is a great guitarist and I hired him for drums is not lost on me, lol… I just love playing the guitar.
My previous output either had drum loops that I pieced together or (as on the Black Abyss album) I played.
My drumming on Black Abyss was the best I could do, but I wanted better for my future output, so I reached out to Derek, and I’m extremely happy with the outcome.
He composed and recorded the drums for the whole upcoming full-length (which includes the first two tracks from the Beholder EP), so he naturally adds to the whole feel and I welcome it!
Being a solo artist comes with unique challenges and freedoms. How do you
approach the creative process, from songwriting to production, as the sole member of Faustian Slip? Were these freedoms challenged while working with Derek?
I’m always recording riffs on my phone whenever I come across something cool while jamming. When I’m inspired to write; I go through the recordings and see what grabs me.
I will usually have half of the song mapped out musically before the lyrics come to me. Some of the lyrics I mined from old lyrics, and poems.
As far as recording; I like to mic my guitar amp (I use a Gibson Les Paul -> Heavy Metal HM2 pedal -> Laney Pro Tube Lead) and record through protools.
As far as production: I’ve inquired of a few people for tips and there’s always youtube and whatnot, but for the most part, I just listen. If it doesn’t sound good… I try something else.
The challenges are mostly my lack of knowledge. The freedom is being able to do it at my own pace; though not having a deadline sometimes makes me lazy. Working with someone else like Derek helps me focus and get stuff done.
Let’s talk mediums! While online music platforms dominate the music industry, the vinyl and cassette formats are thriving, appealing to collectors and audiophiles alike. Beholder was released on tape in a limited run. What draws you to the cassette medium, and do you feel it complements your music or connects with your audience in a unique way?
While I love the digital availability of music nowadays; I’ve always loved physical formats. Opening up an album, reading lyrics, and looking at the photos while listening was a huge part of my music experience.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t really understand the resurgence of cassettes. I grew up with them and they’re fragile and wear out. Vinyl, and cds I understand because they’re more durable with larger artwork, etc.
That being said, I noticed the cassette comeback, and it was within my grasp to do… so I did. I made 105 and offered them completely free as a promotion for the upcoming album (there are still some left).
I will say; once I received my shipment of Beholder cassettes, I was very happy with them. They look and sound great, and I have my own copy (#1 of 105) among my small cassette collection. I also had to buy a cassette Walkman to listen to it, haha. I am going to release the new album on CD.

Image source: Faustian Slip Facebook
What are your musical and beyond-music influences that have helped shape your sound and themes?
I’ve loved Metal since I was 12. I started with the “hair bands” on the radio. I borrowed Def Leppard, and Quiet Riot cassettes from friends, and the first album I owned was Rock In A Hard Place by Bloodgood.
Later I was blown away by Metallica‘s “One” when I first saw the video on MTV which led to Thrash being my main focus as a teen… heavier/faster was the goal. I was big into Metallica‘s first 4, Megadeth, Deliverance, Overkill, Tourniquet, Metal Church, Believer, and early Death Metal like Death, Sepultura, early Mortification and a bunch of demos like Drop Dead – Our Forgotten Destiny, Royal Anguish – Shocking The Priest, Feast Eternal, Corpse, etc.
Around 15 or 16 a buddy of mine introduced me to the genre of Doom.
My introduction to Doom was Winter – Into Darkness, My Dying Bride – As The Flower Withers, Solitude Aeturnus – Into The Depths Of Sorrow, and Tiamat – Clouds. Shortly thereafter I found Pale Horse – Mournful EP, Rose – Healing , Veni Domine – Fall Babylon Fall, and Paramaecium – Exhumed Of The Earth, etc.
So those are the influences that shaped me as a music listener. I do listen to some other genres (Punk, Shoegaze etc), but I’m picky there, and lean towards things that are atmospheric (love me some Pink Floyd), and/or intense.
Nowadays, my listening habits are predominantly Doom bands like Place Of Skulls, Earthride, Saint Vitus, Pentagram, Last Chapter, Pylon, Paul Chain, The Skull, Black Finger and I would guess they influence Faustian Slip‘s music the most.
As far as non-musical influences: It has to be my faith in Jesus Christ. This world can often be a dark and unbearable place, and God’s grace is the only thing that keeps my head above water.

Image source: Faustian Slip Facebook
How has your local environment in Florida influenced your music, if at all?
Well, my family lives in areas that are generally wooded and feel more secluded than they really are… but this environment encourages sitting around and jamming with acoustic guitars, and Harmonicas often by a campfire…so maybe that raw, unpolished, “warts and all” feel is reflected in my music.
Are there any recommended doom and non-doom acts from around your area?
I don’t really know of much in my area, but if I expand my area a bit there’s Embr in Alabama, Warpriest in Georgia, also Eric Crowe (formerly of Crawl) in Georgia always has something Doomy brewing. I don’t know if they’re still around, but Snake Oil in Tallahassee, Florida are great as well.
Looking ahead, what’s next for Faustian Slip?
CDs! The upcoming full-length is sent off to be mixed at Corzine Studios. After that, I’ll have to save up for CD manufacturing. If all goes well, I could be looking at a Fall or Winter release. I have no intention of stopping. As long as I’m inspired… Faustian Slip will put out new music.